Pinus strobus 'Fastigiata', commonly known as the Fastigiate Eastern White Pine, is a cultivar of the Eastern White Pine. This cultivar is popular in urban landscaping, as it can be used as a specimen tree or in rows for windbreaks. Its unique shape and soft foliage also make it an attractive choice for gardens.Overall, Pinus strobus 'Fastigiata' combines beauty and functionality, making it a valuable addition to many landscapes.
Form and Growth Habit: This tree has a narrow, upright growth habit, making it ideal for limited spaces. Its columnar shape allows it to stand out in landscapes.
Foliage: The needles are soft and flexible, usually arranged in clusters of five. They are bright green and can grow up to 5 inches long, providing a lush appearance.
Bark: The bark is smooth when young and becomes more furrowed and flaky as it matures, showcasing a grayish-brown color.
Cones: The cones are elongated, typically 4 to 8 inches long, and are green to brown as they mature.