Agave plants are a fascinating group of succulents that have captured the hearts of plant enthusiasts worldwide. With over 80 varieties, each agave species boasts unique characteristics that make them stand out in any garden or collection. Whether you're an experienced gardener or a curious observer, the world of agaves is sure to enchant with its architectural beauty and resilience.
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What are the benefits of our Tea Tinctures? (1) Metabolism Aid When the fatty acids of MCT oil are converted into energy, metabolism is sped up, which is a passive fat-burning and general efficiency of calorie burning by the body. Research has shown that MCTs will prevent fat deposition by the body, instead of becoming pure forms of energy. (2) Optimizing Digestion Possesses the qualities that can optimize digestion and balance the micro-environment of your gut flora. This will help prevent symptoms of cramping, bloating and constipation, as well as any parasitic or viral infections. (3) Increases Energy Levels & Athletic Performance With a boosted metabolism, you also have enhanced energy levels, and the direct stream of ATP and ketones from the rapid conversion of MCTs to energy. Instead of more than 20 steps that sugar takes to become energy, C-8 medium-chain fatty acids can be converted to usable energy in only 3 steps, giving your body rapid support and invigorating you. When you exercise, you produce lactic acid, a waste product of anaerobic metabolism. This is typically what causes the fatigue or burning sensation you feel when working out intensely. Studies suggest that consuming MCT oil with food may help lower lactic acid build up when exercising. (4) Strengthening the Immune System The antimicrobial qualities of lauric acid and caprylic acid make our oil a worthy immune system supporter. There is an increase in immune activity and white blood cell production in the body, while the antioxidant effects of these acids also reduce levels of oxidative stress. (5) Maintains Hormone Balance One of the critical purposes of fats in the body is their role in creating hormones. With these triglycerides in your diet, you can make those hormones you need most to keep your mood in place, your metabolism high, and prevent depression and hormonal disorders. (6) Improves Cognitive Function When small medium-chain fatty acids convert directly into ketones, one of the areas where these are believed to have the most effect is in the cognitive function. By providing energy to and protecting neural pathways, these ketones can mitigate the symptoms of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases, by providing energy for concentration, focus and memory retention. (7) Boosts Cardiovascular Health One of the main factors leading to cardiovascular disease and heart problems is obesity, and with the low-fat deposition effect of our oil, there is a better chance of remaining slim, keeping overall cholesterol levels down, and lower blood pressure. While consuming fats may seem counterintuitive to heart health, most MCTs are those “good” fats you need in your diet.
How and When to Plant Flowering Trees Though specific directions will depend on the Flowering Trees you purchase, knowing your growing zone is an important first step. After you’ve determined your zone, keep sunlight and watering needs in mind for your Flowering Trees and Ornamental Trees. We generally recommend planting in early spring or fall, before or after the threat of frost. As long as the ground is not frozen and temperature extremes are at bay, you're good to go on planting. From there, planting is generally the same across all flowering varieties. Find an area with well-drained soil, dig a hole large enough to accommodate the tree’s root ball (along with a bit of extra width for growing space), place your tree and backfill the hole. Finally, water to settle the soil and mulch to conserve moisture in the area.