Available in a Variety of Flavors & Milligrams
What are the benefits of our Tea Tinctures? (1) Metabolism Aid When the fatty acids of MCT oil are converted into energy, metabolism is sped up, which is a passive fat-burning and general efficiency of calorie burning by the body. Research has shown that MCTs will prevent fat deposition by the body, instead of becoming pure forms of energy. (2) Optimizing Digestion Possesses the qualities that can optimize digestion and balance the micro-environment of your gut flora. This will help prevent symptoms of cramping, bloating and constipation, as well as any parasitic or viral infections. (3) Increases Energy Levels & Athletic Performance With a boosted metabolism, you also have enhanced energy levels, and the direct stream of ATP and ketones from the rapid conversion of MCTs to energy. Instead of more than 20 steps that sugar takes to become energy, C-8 medium-chain fatty acids can be converted to usable energy in only 3 steps, giving your body rapid support and invigorating you. When you exercise, you produce lactic acid, a waste product of anaerobic metabolism. This is typically what causes the fatigue or burning sensation you feel when working out intensely. Studies suggest that consuming MCT oil with food may help lower lactic acid build up when exercising. (4) Strengthening the Immune System The antimicrobial qualities of lauric acid and caprylic acid make our oil a worthy immune system supporter. There is an increase in immune activity and white blood cell production in the body, while the antioxidant effects of these acids also reduce levels of oxidative stress. (5) Maintains Hormone Balance One of the critical purposes of fats in the body is their role in creating hormones. With these triglycerides in your diet, you can make those hormones you need most to keep your mood in place, your metabolism high, and prevent depression and hormonal disorders. (6) Improves Cognitive Function When small medium-chain fatty acids convert directly into ketones, one of the areas where these are believed to have the most effect is in the cognitive function. By providing energy to and protecting neural pathways, these ketones can mitigate the symptoms of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases, by providing energy for concentration, focus and memory retention. (7) Boosts Cardiovascular Health One of the main factors leading to cardiovascular disease and heart problems is obesity, and with the low-fat deposition effect of our oil, there is a better chance of remaining slim, keeping overall cholesterol levels down, and lower blood pressure. While consuming fats may seem counterintuitive to heart health, most MCTs are those “good” fats you need in your diet.
What is water soluble CBD? Water soluble CBD is CBD oil that has been broken down using nanotechnology to make the particles smaller. These tiny particles are easier for the body to absorb, helping the benefits of CBD take effect faster and allowing it to easily mix with water or food. Water soluble CBD is great for cooking or adding to drinks as opposed to regular CBD oil which can separate if mixed with water-based consumables.
What are the benefits of water-soluble CBD? We make our water-soluble CBD is made using nanotechnology, which makes the CBD particles smaller for easier absorption and better bioavailability. This smaller particle size allows the oil to dissolve in water and to enter the body quicker, allowing the effects of CBD to occur much quicker than non-water-soluble CBD. Our water-soluble CBD uses our proprietary process to bring you the highest quality nano CBD oil for the best price. What are the benefits of water-soluble CBD? CBD is known for its wide variety of health-supporting effects, including relief from everyday stress, occasional anxiety, relief from discomfort, relaxation, and more, which is why we focus on bringing the benefits of CBD to you. Water soluble CBD also allows the user to customize their intake by giving the user full control over the measurements and allowing for compatibility with a variety of consumption preferences. Water soluble oil can increase consumer convenience as the CBD can easily be added to any drink without needing prior knowledge on how to best use the product.
How is Water Soluble CBD oil different from ‘regular’ CBD oil? CBD can be taken in many forms. ‘Regular’ CBD oil is typically taken as a tincture, placed and held under the tongue. When viewed under a microscope, this CBD oil is actually made up of globules (or unscientifically, ‘globs’) of oil, in which the CBD molecules are locked up. For your body to use ‘regular’ CBD, your digestive system must break up the oil, unlocking the CBD found inside. For your body to use water soluble CBD, there is no additional work. To make your CBD water soluble, the CBD must go through a proprietary nanotechnology process, which breaks apart those tiny globs of oil for you before it is bottled. Because the oil has been broken apart, water soluble CBD has taken on a new ‘form’ of sorts and can be added to any drink, going to work in seconds instead of minutes. An easy way to compare the two is to drop them into water; ‘regular’ CBD oil floats on the surface, while Water Soluble CBD oil disperses like a cloud. That beautiful cloud pattern is a good analogy for what happens when you drink Water Soluble CBD oil. Rather than going through digestion, the oil disperses through your body immediately. If you’re not sure what form of CBD is best for you, check out our Buyers Guide to learn more about choosing between the different types of CBD.
What is Nano CBD? The word ‘nano’ is a scientific measurement that means ‘one billionth.’ After shattering apart hemp oil using proprietary nanotechnology, each particle of oil measures about 55-85 nanometers, or billionths of a meter! Nano CBD refers to the CBD molecules which are encapsulated in these tiny globs of hemp oil. To be precise, the actual measurements of the CBD inside the oil don’t change; after all, a CBD molecule is the size of a CBD molecule, period. It’s the globs of hemp oil--containing the CBD--that are broken up into the tiny particles, enabling the CBD to rapidly work its way through your body.
How long does water soluble CBD take to work? What about Nano CBD? Regular CBD? Because ‘regular’ CBD is locked up in hemp oil, the body has to digest the oil before accessing the CBD inside. This results in the commonly reported 30-minute to 90-minute wait for the effects of CBD to kick in. In addition, the digestive process can be destructive to the CBD, resulting in only a fraction of the CBD being used by the body. Because of the proprietary nanotechnology process that shrinks the particle size of the hemp oil globes containing CBD, the effects of water-soluble CBD can be felt in just moments, not hours. Plus, because the smaller particle size of water-soluble CBD avoids the digestive process completely, almost all the water-soluble CBD consumed is available for the body to use, immediately. Each of these factors results in the much more powerful effects of water soluble, or nano, CBD compared to ‘regular’ CBD.
What does taking Water Soluble Nano CBD feel like? Just as with ‘regular’ CBD, water soluble nano CBD doesn’t cause a psychoactive ‘high.’ Instead, just as with ‘regular’ CBD, nano CBD helps you return to a feeling of normalcy or balance. The difference is in how efficiently water-soluble CBD goes to work. When using ‘regular’ CBD products, there’s often a 30-minute wait (or longer) for the effects of CBD to set in. This is due to the body’s need to break down the hemp oil containing the CBD. Because water soluble nano CBD oil has been broken apart through proprietary nanotechnology, the effects of CBD go to work faster, with almost no wait time. For those experiencing everyday stress or discomfort, water soluble CBD can feel like a weight is lifted off their shoulders in a matter of moments or provide rapid relief and relaxation. The effects of water-soluble CBD will vary from person to person. But, because using CBD helps the body return to its natural state of homeostasis, or balance, using water soluble CBD should feel like a rapid return to normalcy.
What is Full Spectrum Hemp Oil? CBD isn’t the only cannabinoid found in hemp oil that works to balance your body. Small amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBC (cannabichromene), CBG (cannabigerol), THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin), CBDV (cannabidivarin), CBDA (cannabidiolic acid), THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid), CBGA (cannabigerolic acid), and many more cannabinoids, all work together to create the ‘Entourage Effect’ and produce the beneficial effects of hemp oil. When all of these cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids are found together in hemp oil, it is called Full Spectrum Hemp Oil. And full spectrum hemp oil provides benefits greater than the sum of the individual forms.
What does Water Soluble CBD oil taste like? Will it affect my drink? Just like how the proprietary nanotechnology process increases the potency of the CBD in hemp oil, it also increases the intensity of the flavor of hemp. Nano or water-soluble CBD oil has a very earthy, bitter taste that many consumers find agreeable, but others find off-putting. For this reason, we offer flavored variants of our Water-Soluble products. Whether you prefer unflavored nano CBD oil or with the addition of flavor, nano CBD oil goes perfectly with water, coffee, tea, juice, or whichever drink you prefer.
How much Water-Soluble Nano CBD should I take? The amount of nano or water-soluble CBD the body needs for balance varies from person to person. Because of the reduced particle size of the hemp oil that contains nano CBD, less nano CBD is needed to produce the same effects as ‘regular’ CBD. An easy way to understand the equivalent serving size is to divide your typical intake of ‘regular’ CBD by 10. So, if you normally use 50 mg of CBD, that’s about equal to 5 mg of water-soluble nano CBD. Another important point to note is that by taking nano CBD regularly, there’s a cumulative effect as CBD builds up in the body. For this reason, we advise our customers to start “slow and low” when beginning to use water soluble nano CBD. It can be surprising how effective just a small serving size is! We recommend starting with two daily servings of a half dropperful of our Water Soluble 300, delivering 5 mg of fast-acting nano CBD per serving. After a week, if you still feel out of balance, move up to a full dropperful at each serving. As a ceiling, we recommend not taking more than 60 mg (six whole dropperfuls of Water Soluble 300) of nano CBD per day—unless under the supervision of a physician.